Boy with mascot

Jamie Segar, a 10th grader at Essex High School, attended the prestigious Summer Media Institute (SMI) 2024, held from June 23 to 28 at the University of Florida. CJC’s Summer Media Institute (SMI) is a five-night, six-day workshop designed to immerse high school students in the fields of journalism and communications. Participants heard from live keynote speakers and panelists discussing broad and significant topics such as leadership, diversity, and the future of journalism and media.

Jamie Segar participated in the Sports Reporting program, where he followed in the footsteps of notable UF alumni, practicing his sports reporting skills just like the pros. Throughout the week, Jamie created digital and video sports stories, developed sports-themed content, and practiced play-by-play skills. He also learned what it takes to succeed in the sports journalism industry, making the week both fun and action-packed for this aspiring sportscaster.

We are incredibly proud of Jamie's achievements and look forward to seeing how he will continue to make a mark in the world of journalism.